Answers to Your Questions on the Blogs of the Top Tech Companies

Businesses that sell to other businesses and businesses that work with technology tend to avoid writing because it takes time, seems more open than a website, and has a reputation for being frivolous. But blogging gives a technical, static blog on technology  new life and makes your marketing message louder for both customers and search engines. Those are the kinds of outcomes that should be aimed for. Here are the most common questions about blogs for technology and business-to-business (B2B) companies.

What kinds of things should the blog have?

White papers and success stories, which are sometimes called "case studies," are good marketing tools for businesses that sell goods, services, and solutions to other businesses. Think of your blog posts as chapters or pieces of a larger white paper where you can talk about what you've accomplished. You could talk about the current business trends, the changes you want to make, or the study you're doing. You could talk about problems that your clients are having right now and how you helped them. You could also talk about how you meet or go above and beyond business standards and how you deal with issues of compliance. You might be able to help customers decide between companies that offer similar goods or services to yours.

Each of these ideas, which are just a few of the many that could be used, could be the basis for more than one blog over the course of a year.

What kind of blog site should we use?

Start by making a blog on your own website to take advantage of fresh material and keywords that people often use. Think about writing for a community blog site that covers your field, area, or topic. You'll show off your knowledge and make sure that your message gets to the people you're trying to reach.

What work needs to be done?

You should only start a blog if you can post at least once a week. If you haven't changed your blog in a long time, it's clear that quality and timeliness aren't important to you.

If you tell your current and possible customers about your blog, they may be more likely to check it out. Customers can search your blog to find answers to questions that are often asked. There should be links to your blog on social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others. All of your marketing papers and plans should have a sentence about your blog.

You could hire an independent writer if no one at your company is able to make, market, and update the blog.

a website, a magazine, and other things.

Blogs and emails are both useful in their own ways. Sending an email newsletter with a link to a useful blog post is one of the best ways to get people to visit your website. People will write things on a blog that they would never write in a letter to the editor, giving you a chance to learn more about them.

You can get ideas for blog posts from old newsletters, and a long piece can be broken up into several parts. In the same way, a set of short essays or even a white paper could be a great place to start.